Xiamen Yeyang Import & Export Co., Ltd.

Why does quartz stone lose its luster due to grinding?

Views: 63     Author: Yeyang Stone Group     Publish Time: 2020-03-13      Origin: Yeyang Stone Group

The artificial quartz stone not only has the characteristics of natural stone with rich color and beautiful surface but also has the characteristics of antibacterial, high-temperature resistance, wear resistance, leakage prevention, non-toxicity, and no radiation. It is more and more people in modern home decoration. Recognition. However, in the specific application, it is impossible to avoid two pieces of splicing or even multiple pieces of splicing. After splicing, in order to make the whole seemingly integrated, it is inevitable to polish the splicing seam and the periphery. However, the whitening phenomenon will occur at the polished seams, and the darker the color of the board, the more serious the whitening phenomenon will be.


What causes the splicing seam to be white?

Quartz stone plate surface light as a mirror surface, because quartz stone manufacturers have water polishing process in production. Water-milling is the result of high-pressure, high-speed grinding of multiple 2000-mesh water-grinding heads, which is beyond the reach of other hand-held tools. After the grinding by the angle grinder, the whitening phenomenon occurs because the base of the quartz stone plate is white. During the seam grinding process, the gloss and color of the surface of the plate are destroyed, revealing the white matrix, which is why the plate The darker the color, the more obvious the whitening phenomenon at the seam.

In order to fundamentally solve the phenomenon of whitening at the joint, a professional person should be sought to avoid secondary grinding and polishing during the installation of the board. The joints should be carefully treated during installation to achieve seamless docking. There is also a preventive work to avoid unnecessary secondary grinding of the exposed bumps of the glue when docking.



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